Rickloff Boathouse Equipment Capital Campaign
Help the Foundation raise capital funds for new docks and boats. Our immediate goal is to raise $60,000 to provide 10 additional floating boat docks to house existing boats. Perhaps you might like to buy a 420 boat with your name on it ($11,000) and a dock to go with your boat ($6,000)? You can help make a difference as we try and grow our programs.
Community Needs Based Scholarship Fund
As part of our drive to build the Rickloff Community Boathouse the additional funds beyond the building cost will be used to create a restricted fund, yet unnamed , to build a $1,000,000 community needs based scholarship program that will provide grants for sailing and boating education that could include venues like the Brig Niagara, Bayfront Center for Maritime Studies, the Reyburn Sailing School and other appropriate educational programs that can further an individual’s awareness and opportunities for a better life.
The Commodore’s Fund
An unrestricted permanent fund within the EYC Foundation which supports annual programs and projects within the guidelines of Exhibit A of the By-Laws. Each fiscal year the Grant Committee will be notified of the grant dollars available to be distributed based on the Distribution Policy. The grants will be made annually based on a specific set of application and procedural guidelines set up by the Grant Committee and approved by the EYC Foundation Trustees. All grants will be submitted by the Grant Committee for approval by the Trustees. Grant Dollars not distributed in any fiscal year will revert to the principal of that fund for reinvestment.
Reyburn Sailing School Fund
This restricted permanent fund specifically supports educational programs, scholarships, and other needs of the Reyburn Sailing School.
Each fiscal year the Grant Committee will be notified of the grant/scholarship dollars available to be distributed based on the Distribution Policy. The grants will be made annually based on a specific set of application and procedural guidelines set up by the Grant Committee and approved by the EYC Foundation Trustees. All grants/scholarships will be submitted by the Grant Committee for approval by the Trustees. Grant/scholarship dollars not distributed in any fiscal year will revert to the principal of that fund for reinvestment.
Donor Advised
Donor advised funds are very attractive in lieu of building your own private foundation. You receive a 100 percent tax deduction for any gifts you make. Appreciated securities are deducted at market value and you can claim a tax deduction up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income. Donor advised funds are also exempt from the taxes imposed on private foundations and there are no minimum payouts required. During the annual appeals made by the Foundation, the Foundation will accept pass-thru charitable contributions in our name for nonprofit organizations, sailing events, programs and educational activities that foster the mission of the Foundation.
Rickloff Sail Replacement Fund
This restricted permanent fund was created by Mark Rickloff in 2011 to support the purchase of sails for the Reyburn Sailing School Education and Racing Program. Each fiscal year the Grant Committee will be notified of dollars available to be distributed based on the Distribution Policy. Additional contributions are welcomed. Rickloff Deed of Gift
Klahr Fund
A fund created in the name of Chad Klahr by the Klahr Family in 2008 to benefit the Lake Erie Interclub Cruise and a trophy in his name for the Cruising/Rally class that exemplifies the Corinthian Spirit of the Cruise. Additional contributions are welcomed. Klahr Family Fund Deed of Gift
Memorial Funds
Every boater goes to sea at the end of the day. Perhaps you should consider the opportunity to pay tribute to a life with a donor advised fund or ask friends to give a memorial to the Erie Yacht Club Foundation.
Maritime Fields of Interest
How about considering your very own charitable cause like boat safety , the Bay Swim, the Presque Isle Bay environment ,the Brig Niagara, the community development of our waterfront trails. You know what you want to do. Let us know how we can make this wish a lasting opportunity for our future thru the Erie Yacht Club Foundation.
How do I make a donation?
All gifts, large or small, are greatly appreciated. Mail donations to:
Erie Yacht Club Foundation, Inc.
1903 West 8th Street
PMB #232
Erie, PA 16505-4998
or call 814.453.4931